Protect Yourself from the Citizens Bank SMS Scam
You may have heard about the Citizens Bank SMS scam going around. If not, here’s the basic gist: scammers send text messages to people claiming to be from Citizens Bank.
The message usually says something like this: “Hi! We noticed that your account is currently inactive. Please click on the link below to reactivate your account.”
Don’t be fooled! This is a scam, and clicking on the link will only install malware on your device. This post will tell you how to protect yourself from this scam and what to do if you think you may have been targeted.

What Is the Citizens Bank SMS Scam?
You may have heard about the Citizens Bank SMS scam going around, wondering what it is and how to protect yourself.
The Citizens Bank SMS scam is a phishing attack that targets bank customers. Attackers send a text message to customers, asking them to click on a link to verify their account information. The link leads to a fake website where attackers can steal your personal information.
You can only protect yourself from this scam by avoiding clicking on links in text messages and never giving out your personal information on a website that you don’t trust.
How Does the Scam Work?
The Citizens Bank SMS scam is a ploy used by cybercriminals to steal your personal information. Here’s how it works:
You receive a text message from someone claiming to be from Citizens Bank. The message asks you to enter your account number and PIN to verify your account. Once you enter this information, the scammers can access your account and steal your money.
To protect yourself from this scam, always block and delete text messages or emails asking for personal information. If you receive a text message or email that seems suspicious, contact the relevant authorities to confirm the message’s authenticity.
What Type of Information Is Targeted?
As an unsuspecting online banker, it is very easy to be deceived into giving away your valuable information to hackers. That’s why you need to be extra careful in the links you click and register. Regarding Citizens Bank SMS scams, hackers often target all your information.
The attackers seek sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and account numbers. They may also be after social security numbers and other personally identifiable information. The attackers can access your bank account and raid funds by stealing this information. They can also use your personal data to commit identity theft or fraud.
Ensure you protect yourself from this scam by never providing your personal information in response to an SMS or email message.
How to identify messages from hackers
To ensure that you don’t fall prey to this new scam, you must know how to identify fake bank alerts. If you receive a message from your “bank” or another trusted source that doesn’t look legitimate, some red flags can help you identify if it is a scam.
Citizens Bank will never send you a text message or email asking you to provide your personal or financial information. If you receive a message that appears to be from Citizens Bank that asks you for this type of information, it is likely a scam. There are a few things that you can look for to help you identify a scam message:
❖ The message contains a sense of urgency or urgency.
❖ Are from an unknown sender.
❖ The message contains grammatical errors or typos.
❖ The message asks you to click on a link or provide personal or financial information.
How Can You Protect Yourself?
You can do several things to protect yourself from the Citizens Bank SMS scam. First, be skeptical of unsolicited messages or calls, especially if they ask for personal information. Never provide your password, social security number, or account number to someone you don’t know.
You can also protect yourself by using strong passwords and two-factor authentication whenever possible. In addition, make sure you keep your computers and mobile devices updated with the latest security software and patches. And finally, be alert and aware of what’s happening around you—if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
If you are unsure about the link on the message, you can always go to the website directly by typing the URL into your browser. Your bank will never ask you for personal private information as they already have it. In that case, never share it with anyone claiming to be from the bank. If unsure, you can always contact the bank or other source directly to verify the message’s legitimacy.
What should you do if You Think You’re a Victim of the Scam?
If you think you may be a victim of the Citizens Bank SMS scam, you can do a few things to protect yourself. First, change your bank account password and any other passwords that may have been compromised. Additionally, be extra careful about emails or phone calls from people asking for personal information—especially if they claim to be from your bank.
Finally, report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC can help to track and investigate these types of scams and may be able to help get your money back if you’ve lost any funds.
Many people are reporting a new scam where they receive a text message from Citizens Bank asking them to call a number to update their account information. Do not fall for this scam – Citizens Bank will never ask you to call them in this way. If you receive a text message like this, delete it and DO NOT call the number. Instead, report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Do not click if you have received a text message from Citizens Bank that includes a link! It’s a scam! Don’t be a victim of this scam! Parkway Tech can help you protect your identity and your money. Contact us today to learn more about safeguarding your account from this threat.