How to create (and remember) a strong password
There can be significant consequences to having a weak password on an important account. Compromise of IT assets, loss of confidentiality and integrity and potential firm shut down are all possible if a hacker can access your firm’s core system. Let’s look at what makes a password hackable and then I’ll show you how to create a long and strong password that you’ll actually remember.
What makes a password hackable? Here are the top 5 hacker go-to’s when trying to hack your password:
- Same as your login info (admin:admin)
- Keyboard patterns (asdfgjhkl)
- Common passwords: Season+Year, Month+Year, “Password1”
- Default passwords (guest:guest, or the one that came with your device)
- Password reuse
Creating a long and strong password doesn’t mean you need to use a password that looks like this: W##$huyj&lAQ12^azy. The best password is one that is easy for you to remember and really hard for someone else to guess. You can create a strong password by:
- Use a modified phrase: the following examples show you how you can use a phrase that means something to you or is something you associate with a type of website.
- You-Can’tH@ndle-THE-Tr^th (You can’t handle the truth. A few good Men Reference)
- 4Score&7yrsAgo (Four score and seven years ago - from the Gettysburg Address)
- JusticeDel@yedIsJusticeDen!ed (quote by William E Gladson)
- John8:32Kn0wYeTr^th (Scripture reference)
- Use passwords with common elements but customized for different sites
- Going-2Uz_AMZN$ (going to use Amazon)
- G0ing-2Uz_:)book (going to use Facebook – we used 🙂 for Face in this case)
By implementing these simple skills, you can easily create a strong and memorable passwords with minimal effort. Plus, creating them can actually be fun - and your payoff in increased safety is huge. Feel free to share these tips, just don’t share your passwords.